Sunday, October 23, 2011

Israeli Defence Minister should consider selling used cars

Telling news piece about Israeli leaders' true colors. Days after releasing Shalit for 1,000 terrorists and wholeheartedly supporting it, Israeli Defense Minister has two things to say: the terrorists know better then to engage in further kidnappings and next time we won't release as many terrorists. Who is he kidding? Terrorists lack incentives in engaging in further kidnappings... because they now know that kidnappings of Jews don't pay? And if he feels so strongly that new policy is needed to deal with kidnappings, did not the most appropriate time to design such policy pass.
There is a good Russian proverb: "after a fight don't wave fists", but then again for those who remember very recent history (Israelis, at times do have hard time looking in rear view mirror) would recall that as prime minister, Ehud Barak had always very tough words to share in response to each suicide bombing or shooting in early 2000s. Shockingly, the words did not end the wave of terror. It took an election and departure (unfortunately temporary) of Barak from politics that brought in a government willing to shed the murderers' blood to save innocent Jewish civilians.
Sadly, since then, Israeli electorate either due to apathy, shortsighted vision, or naivete became ideal used car customers. Only that can explain truly Israeli size chutzpah of telling public days after meeting every single demand of Hamas kidnappers, that the public can sleep well at night, as from now on Hamas knows better then kidnap and terrorize Israelis.

1 comment:

Eitan said...

Barak is an idiot. I don't know how Bibi tolerates him.